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(English)(212) 290-2289
(Español)(212) 290-0278

Adult Career and Continuing Education Services – Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCESS-VR). Please access this website for complete information on the ACCESS-VR programs, services, applications, and locations:

Barbering is a profession that draws individuals from all walks of life. There are two things that any aspiring barber must do:
First, he or she must hone the craft through education, and then become licensed by the state in order to work in a shop. As is often the case in choosing a career path, there can be roadblocks along the way. For a number of our students, the ACCESS-VR Program has removed these roadblocks, and, consequently, a number of our students have gone on to have successful careers as barbers, shop-owners, and instructors.

ACCESS-VR provides services to qualified individuals who have a disability that interferes with their employment, including getting, keeping a job or advancing in a job. To this end, ACCESS-VR will pay for the costs of education for its qualified clients.

To apply for ACCESS-VR services you must be: a person with a disability that impacts your ability to work, you must be able to work in the United States after completing your education, must currently live in New York State, be at least 14 years old, and be able to participate in the vocational rehabilitation services.

ACCESS-VR includes a number of services including:

  • Vocational Rehabilitation Services
  • Vocational Counseling and Guidance
  • Assessments and Evaluations
  • Rehabilitation Technology
  • Special Transportation
  • Adaptive Driver Training
  • Work Readiness
  • Training including tuition, related fees, required textbooks
  • Vocational College
  • Tutor, Reader and Note Taker services
  • Youth Services
  • Physical and mental restoration services
  • Medical care for acute conditions arising during the program
  • Modifications to homes, vehicles and worksites
  • Job Development and Placement
  • Work Try Out & On the Job Training
  • Job Coaching
  • Occupational tools and equipment
  • Goods, inventory, equipment and supplies for self-employment
  • Occupational and business licenses

Applications for ACCESS-VR services are available in English, Chinese, Haitian-Creole, Italian, Russian, and Spanish.

For more information please go to the following website, This site will provide you with the Manhattan ACCESS-VR office which is located only a short distance from ABI at 116 West 32 Street, Fifth Floor NY, NY 10001.Due to COVID-19, effective Monday August 2nd, all visitors must have a prior appointment.

Get More Info Today

When you come for a tour, the first thing you will find is that our staff is incredibly friendly and here to help you. Ask our staff about their love for teaching a new generation of barbers and they will tell you that it is their passion for imparting knowledge.

Financial Assistance Is Available

Financial assistance may be available through ACCES-VR, Post-9/11 GI Bill, the US Department of Veterans Affairs or other sources.

Next Starting Date Mon. November 4, 2024
New Classes Begin On The First Monday Of Each Month.
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